I dreamed we were e-mail gurus.
We started a business selling e-mail addresses and we were doing so well, we became millionaires.
It was started out as a joke but we soon realized that it was a real money maker.
Our e-mail addresses were so different that everyone that heard about them wanted at least one. They sang and danced when used.
We were almost sued by our customers when we had said that we might go out of business due to the lack of space to continue.
I went to Canada and found an empty warehouse and we set up shop in it. The money just flowed in like water and we had everything so automated, we didn't have to hire anyone to keep it going. We had hundreds of servers and each one was capable of handling a million terabites of information.
We sat back and were drinking some wine and were laughing about how much money we were making while sipping wine.
We were going to get into something else when I woke up.....don't know what it was.
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